
Well, they've been talking about that state fair in Timonium, MD on the show for about a week, and that's kind of close to me (I'm in VA), so I thought I'd take a drive since the weather was so nice.

The tent was way in the back of the fair, so I worked my way through thousands of people and got in line. Chris Leary was asking generic TechTV questions and giving T-shirts as prizes. There were only about 50-60 people in line, but it still took nearly an hour to get to the signing table. That's okay, because the reason was Pat and Leo were taking a generous amount of time with each person. They talked to me for about 3 minutes, including the photo ops.

When I unfolded the T-shirt I was carrying my empeg in (I think I've lost the carrying case), they were instantly impressed. I believe comments like "oo, that's a rare one!" were made. Leo was saying something about how he had talked to the "people involved with that." Rob, did you guys talk to them? What was said? Maybe he spoke to SB. Anyway, they commented on how it sucked that it was discontinued, and I think Pat said that he would have bought one had it not been for that.

I had my empeg signed by them, and got a small photo that they signed as well. I'll scan that in and post it. And I'll take a shot of my empeg.

So then I moved along and got Chris Leary's autograph, then left.

Anyway, they were extremely nice, and it was cool to get a photo in there, and I'm glad the photo came out so well. Good guys.

So, now I have to get to an actual empeg meet and get my player signed by the empeg crew.