What, like on a notebook? I didn't know such a thing existed. Isn't it a PITA to use? I have enough problems with my notebook's touchpad - I find it 'unergonomic'.
Yeah, like the ones on a notebook. What's unergonomic about it? Moving your thumb or index finger around across a 2.5" x 1.5" rectangle is, to me, more ergonomic than repetive motion of a mouse. I never liked trackballs or those little rubber eraser things, but touchpads work great for me. Plus
the one I have (built into
these now-discontinued keyboards) allows me to click mouse buttons and scroll horizontally and vertically using certain areas of the touchpad. It was about a week of adjustment for me, but I'd never go back. It's hard to find keyboards with touchpads these days though, guess they don't sell well.