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The empeg already has 4V preouts from Burr-Brown DACs.

Actually, that's a common misconception about the Empeg's circuitry. There are no Burr Brown DACs inside. The DAC is part of the highly integrated Philips DSP. If you think that's equivalent or superior to modern dedicated DAC ICs, then you are just plain wrong.

The Burr Brown output stages are 4 volts which is good, but there are headunits with higher voltage. Some of the Eclipse units have 8 volts and even 16 volts, making long cable runs less of an issue. Of course it would be better to put an external DAC right next to the amp and there are mobile DACs available for that purpose- some even with 8 volt outputs.

This is what i would like to do:

Eclipse headunit---D--->External DAC---A--->Amp

If you want it to break, buy Sony!