I've got a couple PE902-EB's and use them on my network. I also picked them up for $59.95 with a $60.00 rebate. Too hard to pass up.
The thought was that I'd get to a neighbors house, but alas it was not to be. We took a laptop out and started cruising the neighborhood to see about range. Next door (< 100ft) was as far as we got, barely.
The work fine for connecting my ReplayTV 5040 to the network, but the do not connect fast enough to stream video on/off (between two Replay's or Replay to PC.) but work for transferring files. I don't remember exact specs, but it seems like I was getting around 2Mbit xfer speeds.
They are a pretty amazing piece of gear. Makes your outlet behave like a long wire. They pass the node end MAC address back to network end. They worked first try. Unsure about any security with these as they are pretty much just out in the open for anyone within range.
The only CON I have for them is that they run blazingly HOT.
Tim E