Jim: Sweet!! That's exactly where i want to put my amps... they'll be a much tighter fit and i'm thinking i might have to create an air channel complete with fans in there, but we'll see how hot they get after being installed before i tackle that. Thanks for the pics!!

1: I'm going to be pushing it with a 500W amp. (unless i can somehow figure out how to cram the 1000W JL in there =]). I want the sub to at least be able to handle 500W, I don't wanna even chance blowing a sub if i crank it for some length of time. Better safe than buying a new sub.

2+3. I'm not ditching the spare tire. It's part of the crumple zone for the rear of the wagon most importantly, and secondly the second i take that thing out, i'm going to have some catastrophic blowout on a 1000 mile road trip, that's just how my luck goes. I'm not worried about the performance lost of adding 30 lbs to the rear, it's not like i'm doing quarter miles. And that's the point of making it removable... when i do autox or rallyx i'll just take it out. I don't think i'll be kicking myself if i pick the right sub within the parameters i have to work with. There's a lot of great subs that will fit, 500W is still a ton of power, and i'm willing to try different subs in the enclosure to find one i like.

4. I've definitely thought about the fact that it could have been a crappy setup, but i'm trusting that Monney (the place that did Rob's install) is as good as their reputation makes them out to be. The fact that i can't find one anywhere in the area, and the only online shope i could find them at is backordered for months. I'm going with DA fronts and rears... i KNOW those sound good. =]

Thanks for the tips and ideas everyone, i've got some deciding to do this week.

|| loren ||