As usual with rants, most of what he's saying doesn't actually make sense, or even sound true. He just ends up sounding like a bit of a twat who is too stupid to even manage using a Mac. I'd hate to see him using a Windows box.
Macs don't shutdown completely by themseleves unless you've set a timer and a crashed mac will just display a kernel panic screen telling you to restart.
Click and drag resulting in shortcuts is completely untrue unless you're holding down a modifier key, I've never seen a dialog that warns that a program might 'lockup the system' and the 'update manager' (I'm assuming he means Software Update) doesn't involve any 'searching for executables' at all, you just click 'install'.
Clicking on a filename once and keeping the mouse button over it will result in the ability to change the filename, if you do accidentally rename it you can just use undo and you can't change the name of any important system files anyway because they're owned by a different user.
Files are just as undeleteable on a Mac as a PC and I have no idea how DOS allows you to 'recover anything that has been corrupted'.