Woah! Not only is it a radio-body 101, but it looks like a Vampire!
Oh good! (Rare)
My buddy in Boston went to work as business manager for his friend who started up the indie Land Rover repair shop seen in the picture/URL. Funny, funny, I drove out to check out his shop and said "Holy Sh*t!!! I know what that beast is!!" and had to take a pic. It is in the process of some extensive rehab. Don't know who the owner is.
Proprietor Alan (the tall gent in the pic) is apparently the rarest of commodities, somebody in the U.S who can *really* fix Rovers (it is not unheard of for Alan to get referrals from dealers that have thrown in the towel) and they are busy, busy, busy, located as they are in a Boston suburb that is smack in the middle of Range Rover country. They were also in the middle of a few other projects like dropping a Vette engine (LT1?) into a recent-vintage Range Rover...
(oh, small typo in your link...)
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.