Here's my day. I wake up at about 2:00 am. I make a couple posts in the Anna Lindh thread to try to piss someone off. I am out of deodorant. The last few days I've just been scraping a little off and applying it by hand, since the stick won't go up anymore. This morning i don't even try. No time to take a shower. I put on a dirty shirt, get in my piece of [censored] car and go about 70 in a 35 over the new bridge. I'm gonna be late for work, but I could care less,; I just like driving fast. When I'm passing a car, I try to get as close to the car as possible, to where our side mirrors almost hit eachother. I know one of my tires is going to blowout anyday now. Expired tag, no registration. I don't give a shit. I hope a pass up a cop, I know he won't catch up with me. I get to work and start breaking things. I load packages onto trucks, and I take pride in breaking them. My manager does the same. The quality assurance guy comes by with his tape gun around 5 am. "Uh, you gonna tape that box up?" I tell him no, that's his job. Stupid looking motherfucker. last week at our monthly little meeting, the faggy terminal manager said from now on anyone who is late 2 days in a row is fired. Well this is my 3rd day, bitch. And I haven't heard shit. What the fuck?? pussy. His ears stick out and his skin is pale white. The P&D coordinator (whatever the hell that means) is a little peckerhead. He tries to act important and tells me to do stuff, I just say okay and don't do it, then he leaves me alone. He knows not to fuck with me. I would break his back in a heartbeat. Me and another guy go snort some blow in the back while we wait for another truck. A few people at work want to go to the UL game tonight. I feel like starting a fight, so I'll have to go get some whiskey tonight. Most of the preloaders at work have been there for several months, and we're all real tight. The middle-aged mangers don't talk shit to us like they used to when I first started. They know not to fuck with us, because we work together and their screwed without us. nobody there really gives a [censored] about the job, because it sucks so bad. One time the faggy terminal maanger fired me, because he was saying "do it like this" , "do it like that". I said well let me see you do it motherfucker?? He couldn't do it. I told him i'll go clock out and comeback and watch him do it. He rehired me the next day. Another time he told me I couldn't keep my gun in my car at work, corporate policy. He said he didn't want someone to go psycho and shoot the place up. I told him to go fuck himself. time to go home, payday. I check my timecard to make sure they weren't stealing hours from us again like they used to. I drive home, trying to get as close to crashing as possible without crashing. i stop by Whataburger and get a number 1 with cheese. I eat it and then type this. I will probably fall asleep in a few hours. The End.