The Planet Hollywood restaurant I worked at closed without giving us any warning whatsoever

What did you do there? Waiter? Cook?

As a restaurant manager who has shut down a few, I can tell you that NO ONE ever finds out until about 2 days before hand, and you can never tell the hourly employees until the actual day. Think about it, no one would bother comming to work if they knew that they were out of a job in 3 days, or if they did, they would just end up taking all the crap that was there.

I know it sucks, but that's the reality. Back in January '02 I was a manager of a restaurant in Boston. I found out we were closing 3 days before we did. I had started seeing a hostess there (no one knew about us) and the next time she came into work I asked her

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Oh well, I guess I'm going to work and then I might go out somewhere"

I said to her " Ok, now try saying that without the 'going to work' part"

I hate the restaurant business.