I went to an emergency homeowners meeting last week and have only just calmed down enough to write about it.
Our subdivision is an older neighborhood with minimum lot sizes of >1 acre.
A MUD (Municipal Utility District) in a nearby subdivision has decided it needs to run a 24inch water pipe and build a water treatment facility in our subdivision.
To this end they have been happily measuring up on everyones front yards without saying a word. One poor sod has been earmarked to loose a huge chunk of his land to house the treatment plant, they are actually suing him to sell the land to them.
The others are getting 30feet of front yard taken by compulsory purchase.
This means all of our 20-30 year old trees will be clear-cut from the road back 30 feet.
To cap it all, apparently we cannot stop them.
Ahh, the land of the free (to be screwed over by large corporations)
the chewtoy for the dog of Life