i was just browsing microsofts msdn. searching for how to sign an activex control. i typed in 'sign activex' under technical resources in the search bar on their site and it brought me to a page with 0 results. thats not the wierd part.
whats wierd is when that page loaded a javascript prompt popped up saying 'microsoft is conducting a survey right now. please enter your email address so we can contact you with the results of your search.' thats not verbatim but pretty close. i found it very odd. i clicked cancel and viewed the source on the page. i dont believe that prompt came from microsofts page. the only other pages i have open are this board and a cookie tutorial. im clueless. none of these pages have a javascript prompt in their source.
in trying to get it to prompt me again i refreshed the page a couple of times. on one of the refreshes the search terms returned results. more than 20 in fact. refresh again. 0 results. im confused