To answer the first question, if the 390 Watts is for a two ohm load, then the subs will be getting half of that each.

Second question, based on my experiences with my brother's system, you are *seriously* underpowering those subs. He is running a single Perfect 10 (i.e. about a third of the cone area you have, from essentially an identical design) from a Rockford Power 500. The amp has a factory certificate stating it'll put out about 750 Watts and the sub is having absolutley no problems with it. The whole of the Perfect range very good but needs a hell of a lot of power.

Third & fourth questions, yes.

Fifth question - Based on my experiences above, these subs will take just about anything you throw at them, so you want something fcuking big IME it's not worth buying amps new, so keep an eye out on all the forums & free ads. Ebay would be a last resort as prices tend to be a bit high there. Good for selling yourold amp though...

I'm guessing you must be in the UK seeing as you quoted your budget in Sterling, if you're anywhere near Reading then you might want to come along to a meet organised by this Sunday. There should be about 30-40 cars there, and rumoured to be coverage by TCA magazine too.

Mk2a 10+40Gb Darkstorm Neon Red Nakamichi CD45z, Genesis Five Channel, Genesis A16s, JL 8W6 x3