This issue has effected me several times on the BBS (usually on long posts), and I regularly use the suggestions that Loren made (though I wish his second suggestion worked, it would be a nice work-around). But that's not what prompted the post.
I've been working in phpMyAdmin to add concert dates for my website for that saxophonist, and since many entries (month, year, opening act, group) stay the same for many entries, it would have been nice to keep them and change what I needed. Copying and pasting all that probably wouldn't improve speed very much (and you'd probably get repetative stress from all the Alt+Tabbing and Ctrl+whatever

So I guess it'll just be something I get used to. Another instance was when I was working from the admin page I created for said website. I have several links that bring up popup windows for me to add various entries. I had been under the impression that these links had _blank targets, but low and behold, in the midst of writing up an extremely long entry, I clicked on another link to check some info, and it opened in the popup with my entry in it.
You know those moments where you've been working on something for a long while, it gets suddenly wiped out, and you just give up, walk away, and do it later? I hate that. It's like mixing video games with blackouts.