Well, you sent me a login, but not where to login to (oops), but I'll bet I can tell you exactly what to fix anyway from here.

Run ``ldd pnmtojpeg''. You may have to type the full path to pnmtojpeg, like ``ldd /usr/local/netpbm/bin/pnmtojpeg''. My guess is that you'll see something like this:
-lnetpbm.10 => not found (0x0)
-ljpeg.62 => /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0 (0x4003e000)
-lc.25 => /usr/lib/libc.so.25.2 (0x4005b000)
The problem is the ``not found'' part. This is going to be because libnetpnm is in a directory that your system doesn't know to look for shared objects in.

There are two ways to solve this. Which is most right depends on how you want your system configured. The latter will be the easiest.

First, you could recompile the netpbm programs so that the programs themselves know where to find libnetpbm. This is accomplished by passing ``-R /usr/local/netpbm/lib'' (or whatever the appropriate directory is) to the linker (ld). That can usually be accomplished by putting that in LDFLAGS during configuration/compile.

Second, you can tell the system where to find it. This is done by running ``ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/local/netpbm/lib''. Really, you should run ``ldconfig -r'', find out what directories it's already looking in, then run ldconfig with all those directories (separated by spaces, not colons) plus the new one. Then repeating that ldd command should get rid of the ``not found''. (And your uploads should start working.)

(Oh, you can also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH containing the correct directory in the environment of the netpbm programs, but it's probably too hard to figure out where to fit that in the php scripts or in the Apache config.)

Edited by wfaulk (17/09/2003 16:59)
Bitt Faulk