Hi there,

since many people own a flatrate, where you can surf as much as you want for a fixed price, but next to the computer there's a phone-line which wants to be payed for each call (at least here in Germany) I thought a bit of using an IP-Phone. Well, I confess, everything what has an RJ45-Jack is beautiful for me :-). What do you think of an IP-Phone, simply plugging in your hub or switch and dialling your friends. Or you could dial from the USA to Germany for free! Yes, if you call me, I need an IP phone, too. But think of the costs, the cheapest Phone is at only 100$ (If you see cheaper ones, tell me please!). Do you have in the USA flatrates for the telephone, too?

Please discuss if I am only an IP-geek who has his eyes only at the networkcable than on the consumer needs...

Here's an IP-Phone

Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN http://empeg.rowi.net
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***