First, I don't dislike people (just) because they're morons.

Second, I don't dislike people (just) because they're conservative.

Given, neither one makes it more likely that I'll like someone.

No. The reason I don't like him is because he's a troll, he's posted what I believe are thinly veiled personal attacks against me and others on the board, and he's hacked the board to produce more post-spam than he could manage on his own. Then he can't take the hint and leave. Why? Because he's a troll.

However, I'll admit that there are a few posts that he's made that have been genuinely amusing. There have been one or two that seemed somewhat insightful (though I personally mark that down to ``if you shoot enough times, you're bound to hit something''). I also do not begrudge him any support on his empeg that he might need.

But most of this board's members, conservative or liberal, seem to be able to carry on a discussion while continuing to respect each other and each other's opinions. He is and was unable to do that, so I return the favor in kind. Personally, I like all of you, and like to converse with you, and for a while there, his trolling presence threatened to undermine that. I don't want to lose the ``friends'' I've gained on this board and he was and is the only thing making this board unenjoyable.

All of the rest of you can spout conservative polemic all you want. I'll spout my brand of liberal polemic, too, but at the end of the day, I think that we can at least agree to disagree and still call each other friends. He's just a sociopath.
Bitt Faulk