From TANSTAAFL : Awww, c'mon. How hard could it be? Sit on a nice comfy seat, use your wrist muscles once in a while to work the throttle, and for the really tough part of the workout, wow, use your other wrist to pull in the clutch, and then, (are you ready for this?) move your foot to change the gears. Whew... what a workout.

That was great!

"But seriously, try doing 40 to 60 miles on a mountain bike. Now that is some seriously great excercise! "

Oh yeah sure. Like you ride your bike down hill to the chair lift. Ride the lift up (This gives you a chance to catch your breath from the work out you got getting the bike off of your XTerra.) Get off at the top and COAST down the hill. You do have to use both your left AND your right hands for front and rear braking.

JUST KIDDING!! Mountain Biking is truly grueling. One of the people I work with just got back from Whistler. Had a broken wrist.

No matter where you might be, there you are.