This is a dangerous trend; starting a thread with pictures of pets.
well here's mine.
We were looking after my dad's cat over the holidays, and my dog, Zulu, has been kept in her place by the cat. Here, the cat actually wants to play but the dog has a definite look of 'I'm not so sure'

I've got a box of photos just of the dog, who is asleep on my feet right now.

She's been through a lot, this pooch. Just this year she had aggressive cancer on her toe. But we detected it early and had it and the toe removed. Yes, she's my freaky fifteen toed dog. Now in the winter she suffers from arthritis (sp?) in her front paws from an injury suffered as a puppy.

180284-PLAYwithMe.jpg (84 downloads)

-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?