Yeah, my car luck is pretty unbelievable ain't it.

Don't know how bad it is yet... so far it just looks cosmetic. Drivers door, front quarter panel, front bumper and headlights are all definitely going to have to be replaced. The only unknown is how bad it hit the tire... if it bent suspension stuff. Doesn't look like it though... it missed the rim and scratched the tire, so it probably absorbed it pretty well.

So much for the rally school. I just called and cancelled.

I've gotta actually go into the police station to report it. Should be fun.

Oh, and for those who didn't read the note... it was supposedly a City Tow Truck driver who did it. The worst part is that if i would have left work on time and not been fooling around with trying to post from my phone to my weblog, it wouldn't have happened.
|| loren ||