It seems that the alternative frequencies (AF) are not stored on the player. After switching the player on you have to have a strong signal to receive RDS and AF messages.

Version 3.0a3 (same for 2.0 betas) tries to switch to an alternate frequency whenever the signal is below a certain level for a period of time. In some cases after several tries it seems to hang and never switches again. (bug?)
On some pca tuner modules the receiption level is far too high, so maybe the tuner isn't switching at all.

In version 2.0 final, the tuner tries tuning to another frequency quite a lot (about every second), but you won't hear the switching. (You can see it on the display) This works quite well for me, but others seems to have problems with that.

I would love to see a version 3.0a3 with the tuner functionality of version 2.0final with the following changes:
- Remove bug where preseted stations don't work correct with AF
- Remove the very short interruption of the audio signal while searching for alternative frequeny (if possible).