And thanks very much for throwing a great party!
I want to relate, to those who weren't there, a description of the dog:
This was a very very cute little black pug. A sweet, friendly little dog with a smooshed-in face. Having seen the Men In Black movies several times each, I was totally ready for this dog to begin talking to me at any moment. Of course, I'm sure the only thing she would have said was "more food please", and she was communicating that quite successfully without the power of speech, so it's just as well.
She was very well behaved, and very good at getting your attention without barking. She would just walk up to your leg and touch you gently with her front paws. Then stare up at you expectantly.
But the odd thing was her... how can I describe it... habit of sitting on your foot. You could be standing there having a perfectly normal conversation, and she would quietly walk up to you. Then slowly, gently, like a child trying to avoid detection when raiding the cookie jar, she would lower her rear end onto the top of your foot. She would sit there, very still, atop your foot, watching the room contentedly. She did this so deftly that you wouldn't even realize she'd done it until you tried to shift your standing position.
It's strange to describe, but enough people took pictures of this that I'm sure a link is forthcoming...