As I recall, and have searched, seems like no one has talked much about wireless lately. With prices of new and used wireless gear - esp 802.11b going for as little as $50 for access point and pc card IM thinking of taking the plunge.

As I recall, the easiest way is to put an ethernet-based access point IN the car. Put the wireless network card in the PC, and go from there. Sounds simple enough.

Anyone make it work? What brands of access point and card? The linksys and especially D-link stuff is very affordable on ebay. It would be bets, IMO, to power the router via the amp-turn-on lead (via relay probably, how much current can the amp turn on handle?). My reasoning is I can leave the truck off, turn on the empeg - router on, and go inside. Download music, and remote turn off the empeg (can that be done?)

Since the router and empeg might not be up in a timely manner, I guess hard coding the IP's would be the way to go.

There would need to be a hack to the sled to allow ethernet, anyone done this? I know the home dock does it, so in theory I know what to do.

Empeg Mk2a 60G