Here’s a follow up in case anyone’s interested: It looks like someone’s about to have his wings clipped. My “real” boss told me that this decision had not been set in stone, and that he’d wanted myself and the other guy to discuss it more. Clearly that did not happen. The other guy is the lead of this project officially, and I do have to go with what he says. However, this really is only meant for project direction, to keep it on track and all. Since I am the primary developer I should be able to make most of the development decisions. He told me he’d clarify this with the other individual, and that if I have any problems to bring any issues to him directly. If the other guy takes a hard stance on anything, I do have to do what he says, but at least there’s recourse if there is a really bad decision being made. So we may end up using PL/SQL to do our web development after all, but at least I’m going to have my say. And now I know I can go to my boss with development issues. Looks like I won’t have to resort to option #3!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.