My company recently expanded to a building up the block. Two YAGI's & some 802.11g bridges later I'm up and running at a pleasant 60MB/min throughput (actual data).

We did a few test data transfers last week and then had to move one of the antennas to satisfy the new building's landlord. We realigned the antennas but they've not been brought back up yet, as we're waiting for some Cat.5 to be run up into the rafters to accomodate the new antenna position.

Yesterday, a fellow comes into our office asking about the new antennas and some intereference he'd seen on Thursday (the day we did the tests). It turns out he's from company that provides wireless internet access via a 2.4GHz link to one of my neighbors from an antenna almost directly behind one of mine (although about 2 miles away). It turns out my antennas (YAGI's from Buffalo Tech) were interfering with his signals (&apparently vice versa), and one of my sidebands was hitting my neighbor's antenna, decreasing his throughput dramatically.

We had a nice long discussion and he's going to help me help him by replacing one of the antennae with a parabolic and setting up some shielding to take care of the sideband issue w/my neighbor (corporate neighbor, that is).

Since 2.4 GHz is unlicensed and becoming more frequently used, I'm wondering if anyone here has had any similar experiences and was willing to share either anecdotes or technical tips/techniques/resources? Personally, I'm happy to help this guy out as my bandwidth may also increase. Had he approached me in an adversarial fashion, I might not have listened to his ideas, but I certainly could imagine that situation playing out ("Hey, I was here first, shut that damn thing off!") differently.
