Quite some time ago, the player software was enhanced to be able to deal with /fids/ directories that are broken up into smaller subdirs. This can speed up database rebuilds and filesystem checks etc, and is a worthwhile thing to have.

The Emplode and emptool software still just upload everything into /drive?/fids/, but the player software (and Hijack) can handle things in either format, including a mix of the two methods.

So.. here's my small script for (re)sifting the tune and tag files into appropriate subdirs, on a one or two drive RioCar/Empeg player.

To use, upload via FTP to /fidsort.sh, and set the exec permissions:

ftp myplayer
site rw
cd /
put fidsift.sh
chmod 0755 fidsift.sh
site ro
Then connect via the serial port, hit control^C to gain control of the player, and do this command: /fidsift.sh

Then go and have coffee or cola, and when you get back it will eventually finish, and you can view the results in /drive0/fids/ and /drive1/fids/. As new tunes are later uploaded, unsifted files will acculumate again, and you might want to periodically rerun the script in the same way as the first time, to sift the newly uploaded tunes into their subdirs (not necessary, but nice).

The script is attached -- EDIT: there's a better version later in this thread..


182162-fidsift.sh (935 downloads)

Edited by mlord (07/10/2003 20:29)