I can't believe the Cubs and the Sox aren't going to the World Series. That just sucks. Frankly, I think this is bad for baseball. I know several people who aren't avid fans of the game (myself included), who were watching just to see the underdogs go to the top. Now we have the Yankees, the definitive non-underdog team (overdog?), and the Marlins, who have no history.

I may not be the biggest baseball fan, but I root for my home team (Orioles), and all I know is that I'm not a Yankees fan. How boring is it to see a team out-buy every other team and win one championship after another?

But I can't fault the two advancing teams. The underdogs blew it. There's no way the Cubs should have lost their series. What a bummer. Looks like it's back to football for my TV.