Like I said (a number of times) - we nolonger use the original handle manufacturer. We accept that the finish of the handles has been poor in many cases, and although we couldn't afford to sit on stock for the time it's taken to tool up a new contractor (about a month) we intend to make good any unsatisfactory handles that have already shipped.
The new coating process is a great improvement - it's not electrochemical so there won't be any scratches or chunks of metal lost to arcing. The finish is like a powder coat but with an almost plasticised feel to it - and it's VERY tough. I'm expecting the first shipment of handles next week, and I'll post details of the replacement scheme nearer the time. It will probably work on an advance exchange basis (we have to get the old handles back to try to recover our costs from the manufacturer - they cost a LOT more than screens or knobs).