Actually my player is still open. I was transferring the files (FTP), still, so I could not check. Now I just removed the HDD cradle completely and after inspecting the ide connector I am afraid that my problem is exactly there. I see that on the side towards the empeg display, on the right eng (that closed to the StrongARM), the solder pads are detached from the motherboard. The soldering pads, in my case, are on the other side than those of the picture on the faq.

I'll have to find some soldering "expert" as you suggested.

Thank you again. The FAQ and the thread mentioned there are an excellent help. It has been saind 1000 times already: this board is an unparalleled source of info, and FAQs are really the best I've ever found anywhere.

Now I'll go to see what I can do, and probably post some pics too...
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg