step one thrash the life out of it to clean out exhaust
Every day, every day

Actually, less so now that I've moved down to London. I'm not too worried about the emissions -- they were fine last year, and not a lot's changed. It's other stuff that's starting to cost money -- I had to replace the brake discs a few months ago, and I'll need to get the gaiters done before the MOT this month.
And, since I don't have a clue how to do all of this stuff, that means more expense.
It's not helped by the fact that while doing a U-turn the other week, I managed to kerb the left-front wheel and take out the sidewall -- took the tyre almost completely off the rims. That tyre was a bit dodgy anyway -- I had to keep topping up the pressure every week.
Fortunately, I was only doing about 3mph, so no harm done. Unfortunately, my spare was under-spec, tread depth-wise, so after the AA man replaced the punctured tyre with the dodgy spare, I had to drive directly to the tyre place for two new tyres.
So, on the bright side, my brakes and tyres are all OK for the MOT.