Hi all,

I've got a question. I'm recording a two hour radio show every week. I set the tuner to 'mono' 'cos I don't like the fm stereo hiss, and record it with a Sony DAT deck, set to 32khz sample rate. I then transfer that data from the DAT to the computer using a Roland UA-1 and Cool Edit. Since the source is mono and the DAT only records stereo, I then use Cool Edit to transform the file to mono. I also edit out all the adverts from the radio station.

So now I've got about 118 minutes of 32khz wave file, about 430mb. I want to encode this to some reasonable size mp3 file of quality consistent with the source. I'm using lame, with the following settings:

-b 96 -m m -h -V 5 -B 96 --lowpass 15.4 --vbr-new -q0 --cwlimit 10

This is per the www.jthz.com/mp3 web site that has instructions for encoding fm radio encoded source.

I know that stereo encoded at 128 kbps yields mp3 files that are about 1 meg per minute. I was assuming that, since I was encoding mono at 96 kbps, I would at least get files that are about half that, or about 60 meg, but instead I'm getting 88 meg files. This seems a bit large, but not overly so. Can anyone tell me if the settings are optimal for this application?

Also, (ok, I have two questions) I have many old copies of this radio show encoded in (un)Real audio, at 20.7 kbps mono. These are rather nasty quality, with lots of aliasing and phase distortion, but they are all I have for the older shows. I've tried using the old version of Streambox Ripper to convert them to mp3, but in order to get the same lousy quality faithfully reproduced I had to use a bit rate many times higher than the ra files and ended up with monstrous mp3 files. Is there a clean way to convert these and retain the same bit rate / file size?

