I'm resuscitating this thread in the hopes that someone has a solution to my T616 sync dilemma (the T616 is the same as the T610 except designed for the US market.) My goal is to be able to have all of my calendar entries and tasks synced to my T616's calendar as easily as possible. Right now my sync process consists of this:
1. Lotus Notes (at work) contains my work appointments, tasks, etc.
2. A Notes agent (on the Notes server) looks for new calendar entries and tasks, and sends them to my home email account.
3. A filtering rule in my email program at home looks for these emails from work and calls a Perl script when they're received. The Perl script looks at the new message, plucks out the calendar info, and uses OLE to create new entries in MS Outlook.
4. Now when I manually sync my T616 with Outlook (via Bluetooth) , I get the new calendar entries or tasks.
This is, of course, a very long trip. My hope was to find some other way to get those entries into my cell phone. I can't add any Bluetooth, IR, or serial hardware to my work PC, so I'm limited to things I can accomplish from Notes. I know that on a lot of Nokia phones, you can create calendar entries using a special gateway on the web, and it will send a special SMS message to your phone which will add a calendar entry. I was hoping something like this might exist for the Sony Ericsson phones too. Even if I could just have my Outlook auto-sync when my phone is in range, that'd be easier than having to remember to manually sync every day. This would all be a lot easier if my office used Outlook and I could add a Bluetooth card, but I can't, so I'm looking for some neat hacks if anyone knows of them.
Any takers?