I've been thinking about this, too. Once my wife found out such things were available, now she wants one (for driving, not nature-stuff, really). Everyone seems to like the Garmin products, so I wondered if anyone knew about the
Garmin StreetPilot III. It's in color and it does voice announcements, just like a built-in navigation system. This would be a supreme help to my wife, who has to invest all her attention on the road. Also, I didn't get the nav system on my car, since I didn't want to spend $2000 and then find that it wouldn't work when I removed the factory stereo, so it'd be nice for me to have, too. And it'd be terribly unusual for both of us to be on long trips at the same time, so....
Anyway, no one has one locally (that I can find), so I was hoping someone had some experience with it.