Ah, yes, cat anaesthesia, what a wonderful source of innocent merriment.
Two partners ago we had a cat that needed an operation, and we picked him up from the holding cage on a pretty windy blustery cold day (in Brisbane, believe it or not). When we got him home he was obviously uncoordinated and was trying to walk by crossing his paws in front of eachother. He looked pretty cold so we turned on the bar heater. He sort of walked up to it, and then just collapsed with his head face-down in front of it. We stretched him out so he was getting warmth all along his body and he got back to normal pretty quickly, but the faceplant was particularly amusing.
This was the same cat that was galloping around the house one night (he could go through the bedroom, around the corridor, through the living room and through the front room back into the bedroom; and would do laps of this at, oh, say, three o'clock in the morning). At the end of one of these laps he decided to settle on my side - the far side from where he was coming from. Only what he didn't realise was that there wasn't any room on my side; I was close up to the side of the bed. So he overshot and ended up with his back legs on the bed and his front legs on the ground and his head stuck under the stool for the dresser. He was stuck like that, with both of us laughing our heads off, for a couple of seconds. Then he recovered and, naturally, furious washing ensued.
Ah, cats. They're so much fun. Cats and laser pointers are the ultimate entertainment!
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550