Just a quick follow-up on the Beta-10:
No sign of a sync bug, and I've been
actively trying to make it fall over. (Doing *lots* of stuff in the background, disconnecting, etc). Could this be a final no-sync bug release?
No sign of the volume bug either, but this has always been difficult to reproduce. I tried the steps defined by Tony in a seperate post. No sign yet. Tony, you tried this yet?
All in all, I like the new visuals, but I'd like to be able to get rid on the 'fade' on the 3D ones (especially ShapeScape - it doesn't happen all of the time).
The new visual namings are excellent!
Rob, et. al. : You chickened out of Spurm then..... disappointing

No complaints at all - you even sorted out the volume speed - it's just [GrahamNorton]
soooo[/GrahamNorton] good.
A public thank you to the empeg guys (and Tony - the honorary tester/poster) - this is the business.
Paul Haigh, 6GB, Blue
Reg: 4120 - Serial 00254