I just won all but one item in about ten auctions (for CD singles and albums - new music ahoy!). And I must say I get a great amount of schadenfreudesque joy out of noting that the various snipers that tried to get their 'winning' bids in at the last minute all failed dismally! That's because I bid strongly on what I thought the album was worth as my first and only bid - these poor fools tried to get a last minute bid of slightly more than what the current high bid was and didn't have enough time to try any higher bids.
I can accept the small amount of anger at these fools driving my price up with bids that weren't reflecting the value of the item, because ultimately they only frustrated themselves!
Gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat! Sucked in, sniper lamers!
P.S. And I got my beloved empeg back today! This must be a good day!
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550