Uncle F**ka from the South Park soundtrack

Ahh the SP soundtrack... I had my player on a low volume in the office when a female co-worker that is very, let's say "sensitive" to sexual comments, (IOW don't say anything around her if you value your job) was in helping me with something. "Mephisto and Kevin" came up in the queue, and wouldn't you know it, the verse that says something like "With an unusually large penis" was heard just as clear as could be... I reached for the next button as fast as I could, but she heard it, and I blamed Cartman... I still have my job though...
Luckily the next song wasn't "I Fucked You Daughter in the Ass" or "Big Butts and Blowjobs" by the Scabs...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX