You might even be able to do that directly within emplode or Jemplode, but I have no idea how slow those programs will be if you try to group-select and change 10,000 comment tags. It might even crash the program to try.

Even then, you do not modify the original mp3 files (at least, not with emplode). So it would help your database file size, but that is about it. If you want to remove it from the tags, you might be best off using MP3 Tag Studio and re-uploading.

MP3TS is extremely stable for batch work also. For the record, I used it to fix my entire collection about a year ago when having missing VBR headers finally caused me enough grief to actually fix it. It only took one shot, and I just let it run.

Edit: Something else to look for. When dealing with large amounts of files on the empeg, be careful what playlists you are dealing with. If you use the down-down-down method of randomizing your player, this will also capture and shuffle any songs that are in sub-playlists on your player, easily pushing you over the edge. You may want to set "ignore as child" on some of your sub-playlists, and see if this helps.

Edited by pgrzelak (03/11/2003 04:42)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs