Working on something for WinAmp3. It's useless trying to make an Empeg for WinAmp2 because of how the skin is structured. It isn't ready for release yet, but the attachment gives an idea how it's coming. The worst thing so far has been finding a font that works. When I have a bit more time I'll make a TrueType font out of the Empeg's onboard fonts, but for now it's a decent match... The titles scroll, the little glowing dot goes along the dotted line, the buttons click in and out, etc....

Gah. Still a ton to do... But I'm planning on doing button-LEDs and a full selection of color lenses.....

I used a composite of fascias from the "Lens Comparison" page. Someone let me know if that isn't allowed.

187257-MkII_Skin.jpg (189 downloads)
