That Rod...

Never mind the velcro gloves, I worry what the man gets up to with the glue gun! He's glued down every part that he's touched, including a large glob of glue right on the 1/4A fuse that I had to get at. After a good bit of odd-hackery with a pocket knife I managed to get the glue away and a bit of soldering iron. So for a small moment I was cursing your name, Rod, but in the long run it's not such a big deal. As long as I can get that replacement fuse I'll be able to get it all working fine. I'll probably rip up several tracks from the motherboard trying to get the glue off so I can remove the IDE cable to make the job easier, but at least I'll know it won't come off on anything less than direct thermonuclear strike.

So all go here, Rod, whenever you can send that fuse down. Thanks in advance,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550