after all it represents accomodation only so you add all your travelling on top plus there is a yearly maintenance charge
Yeah, when the guy was giving us the sales pitch he was trying to show how much money we'd save in the long run. He added up what you'd normally spend in food, lodging, and entertainment and showed how much we spend in vacations. Later he compared this number to owning the time share. Apparently you don't need food when you stay at his timeshare . . . He got very frustrated when I pointed this out and said "you bring your own food; you have a full kitchen set!" I also pointed out that while there certainly was some entertainment value to the time share (at least the one we were looking at), if I were taking the kids to Disney World for vacation, that certainly wasn't going to cut it in the price. Again he just sputtered and told me I didn't "get it". I "got it" all right though.
I still they they CAN be a good idea, but like has been said before, NEVER make a snap decision on one of these things. This is a major investment, and one to be considered carefully. They'll always tell you the deal isn't any good tommorrow. Well, I don't do business that way, and I'll bet if I called up the next day and asked, they'd sell me a place, it's why they're in business.