at last something i can actually know what i am talking about.
Okay the big nose thing is a bulbous bow which cuts down the resistance of the ship by a good margin. the reason it is so long is because it goes so fast yes <35mph is damn fat for a ship of its size as it is about 150,000 tons which is pretty damn fast for something of that size. probably talking about 100,000 bhp to get it going that fast.
The round dark thing behind it is the bow thruster for powering the bow sideways at low speed so that the need for tugs is reduced. i belive she has three of them but not too sure will have to hunt around to be sure
The stability system will not be mounted at the front as here it would have very little leveage due to that beiing the narrow bit of the hull. the stabilisers will be mounted midships where they can exert the greatest righting moment. they fold out of the hull like wings when they are needed and then are drawn back in when not needed for two reasons they cost alot of fuel when they are extended and they do tend to make tying up alongside a bit more difficult when they are out.
P.Allison fixer of big engines
Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord
Aberdeen Scotland