I don’t want to get involved much in this discussion, but I do have one small question. Why do all of the restaurants I frequent always offer such large portions? Does everyone eat more than I do, or are they simply trying to overfeed us? I almost never finish everything on my plate when I go out to eat, and when I do I always feel that I’ve overeaten. I’m sure that I could probably deal with portions 1/3 or ½ the size I usually get. My only guess is that larger portions allow restaurants to charge more and make bigger profits (economy of scale: since the preparation cost is the same, you can probably make a bigger profit for a larger piece of meat, pasta, or whatever).
I only bring this up because it absolutely amazes me how much food is wasted (or at least unnecessary) when I go out to eat. We almost never waste food when we eat at home, and I hate paying for food that I don’t eat, especially when I know people are starving in other countries (I can hear my mother saying it right now). Many times I overeat when I go out because I loathe paying for stuff I don’t use.
BTW: it seems the "Meatrix" plot makes a lot more sense that the "Matrix" one did!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.