Matt- I thought the site was funny, too. As Al Franken would say, though, it's "kidding on the square".

I'm not a vegetarian, and I'm not what you might call a "PETA freak", but the more I read about our food supply, the more concerned I have become. You may be perfectly happy with the meat produced by factory farms, but I really do think that the hormones, antibiotics, etc that get pumped into the animals cannot be good for our long-term health. If anyone is interested in a good book on the topic, check out Dominion, by Matthew Scully.

And are you really comfortable with the methods of factory farming? Or does it maybe make you a little squeamish, but you'd rather not think too much about it? Not to go too much off on a tangent, but I frankly of tired of big business "maximizing shareholder value" by cutting costs to the bone, sacrificing quality, exploiting people and resources, and eliminating competition. I've always been a fan of the low-volume, high-quality approach, whether we're talking about chickens, operating systems or MP3 players. I always root for the little guy, and I like to vote with my wallet.

Besides, I love to cook, and I love to eat. If you've ever had the opportunity to try meat grown with more traditional methods, the difference in flavor is amazing. Try a pork chop from the Niman Ranch sometime, and see if you're happy buying the stuff from the local supermarket anymore.
