Have you ever tried a DAB tuner on the move? Whatever its proponents would like to tell you, as far as I can ascertain, it's a waste of time: With cellphones, they come up with great statements like "Covering 98% of the population", without pointing out that 98% of the population live in 48% of the landmass - DAB is much the same.

I note that increasingly portable DAB receivers also have FM back-up, which would indicate that this will not be resolved in the short term.

A certain electronics manufacturer who, for curious reasons value my opinion on their new products over the last 25 years, lent me one, just before I got my Empeg and I returned it with a note saying: "About as much use as a chocolate teapot!" - But I accept that that was some time ago.

Point 2: I have it in writing from the BBC, last year, that for the forseeable future FM, rather than DAB, reception will remain the quality medium for radio reception.

N.B. Those following the off topic threads on this site, particularly the Grammar Police and Cadet, will notice the correct use of "its" and "it's" on this thread
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag