I'm glad I have the excuse of savannah being offline to cover me for not releasing yet -- the truth is I've been lazy and haven't done much during the holidays. However, after "finishing" (read, postponing) most of my TODO items, I'm down to two simple ones: updating the documentation and writing a simple install script.
Once I get off my butt and do that 1.0 will be released.
But the "bad" news is that I've decided that the overall design of squash is not very good. I mainly blame threads. Therefore, 1.1 and beyond will be drastically restructured to not use threads. The goal is to move to a multiprocess model as a (hopefully) more structured and extendable organization than a threaded one.
Btw, please don't take this as an attack on threads. I just don't seem to be able to work with them and keep squash from being a matainance nightmare. But for people wanting more or less some reasons why I don't want to use them please refer to the actual code (which you can see is a mountain of locking) or "The Art of Unix Programming", I'll start you out in chapter 7:
To DJZorrow: I'm really glad to hear you would like to help and I would like all the help I can get. Of course right now squash is about to be torn down and rebuilt and at the most unopportune time (i.e. I'm about to start a job at the beginning of the year).
So anyway, Merry Christmas everyone. And remember all spelling mistakes are the responsibility of the giant space baby.