Please forgive me; I think I must've eaten an attitude problem for lunch yesterday. I should explain:

I actually have seen people use DVDlab, though I havn't actually built a disc with it myself. I agree, it's definately above many so-called "high-end" DVD authoring apps. But to me, it's still far to "pointy-clicky", which is something I just can't handle with software. It's why I like Maya over 3D Studio, or Combustion/Smoke over After Affects.... But that's just me, and my personal taste.

And I can't agree with you more on Impression. The simple fact that it's put out by Pinnacle (who has always seemed more concerned with their interface than the program behind it) gives it a failing grade for me.

Like I said, I was definately being pissy yesterday, which was not my intent. I wholeheartedly apologize. When you say you feel that PSP is simply a better program for YOUR purposes, you echo what I intended as my point (but failed miserable in getting across in a gentle, firendly way. )

I also agree that many companies DO force price categories on us. As much as I love Discreet's products, I don't see why I can buy Combustion for my Win-tendo for $1000, but it would cost me over (WAAYYY over) $10K to buy Flame for my Sgi Octane. It's a bunch of hooey; Flame is better, but not THAT much better.

On the other hand, the price of Combustion recently dropped to $1000 from over $5000, while the featureset was improved. Maybe there's hope.

I guess what it comes down to is that commercial software will always be just that; commercial. We need to open source community to realize that 12,745 text editors is enough and that they should start working on more software like the Gimp, etc. And a free, open source DVD authoring app for good measure.