Okay, while doing the 2nd drive upgrade on my Empeg today, I got hit by two questions...

1. How come, everytime the player adds swapspace, it adds a priority? i.e.:
In reply to:

Adding Swap: 16028k swap-space (priority -3)
Adding Swap: 16028k swap-space (priority -4)
Adding Swap: 16028k swap-space (priority -5)

Very strange.. or so I think...

2. If the player detects when "power is lost" and writes into to the flash-save area, why dosn't the player write to the flash-save area after every song? That way, if it ever fails upon loss-of-juice, you're never more than a song behind (or in a completely different playlist, like I found myself the other day..)

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper