To get a good idea on current pricing, watch both what people are asking for them in For Sale and what they sell for on EBay. Prices are way down from what I paid for my two over a year ago.

Before you buy, make sure to get the serial number from the seller. Also, ask the seller for a picture of the unit displaying the serial number. With that picture, you can be reasonably sure that the player works and that the serial number is authentic. (there is a way to check the serial number against a database of stolen players, but someone else will have to confirm that).

The empeg can hold two hard drives, so the best bargain is to get an empeg with one drive and add a second one later. Currently, you can add the largest laptop drive on the market (80 gig). So, when you run out of space on your 80 gig and whatever comes with it, it won't be such a loss to swap out the small stock and add ANOTHER 80 gig!
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set