The problem with anime from those of us on the fringes of it is that it at least seems as if most Anime geeks care not for the quality of any part of the anime, from the animation itself, to the cinematography, to the plot, to the characterization, to voice acting, or to seemingly any element of it. They seem happier about something genuinely quality, but only marginally so. They go into an almost equal frenzy when they see some 2 cel-per-second poorly characterized soap opera.
(Speaking of cps, the combination of animation styles as referenced above bothers me more in the way that the cel rates differ between the two elements than in the mix of styles.)
While this is more of an indictment of those anime geeks, it also makes it difficult for the rest of us to find something quality. When Akira gets only slightly more praise than Boring Salaryman #48 OCV, it turns the rest of us off, for if Boring Salaryman is seemingly amongst the best, why should I waste my time watching something that's likely going to be worse?
Edited by wfaulk (05/12/2003 10:21)
Bitt Faulk