(Tony, don't dope-slap me, I'm only answering him. dope-slap him)

That would be a bit annoying. I would probably mess up and press it quickly. Now I'm in the menu bar. I also don't see why people don't like using the remote. I love it!

Tony, could you do a poll on the remote? I'm not sure how you could label the choices, but I've noticed that alot of people don't like that certain functions are done on the remote.

As for the button press, well, I was for it when I didn't have an empeg. I'm still for it and I applaud them for doing it. Hell, I actually don't usually like to have the visuals come on when I enter the car. I like knowing what's playing. And now that I've gotten used to the Now & Next info screen, I think it's preferable to have that as the first thing I see when I enter the car.

I shouldn't have said anything though, it'll only get me a dope-slap or a flamewar
